Usually it is only decided in this phase how much of the preparation can be translated into contractually guaranteed results. Rarely can more value be generated or lost in a shorter period of time elsewhere. JORQUERA, KRAFT & COMPANY cooperates very closely and intensively with the decision makers of its clients to achieve the best result possible.


Together with our clients, we develop a specific transaction structure based on the preparations made up to this point. Special attention is placed on an adequate assessment of opportunities and risks and the consistent integration of the individual elements including, for example, operational, strategic, tax, and legal considerations.


We lead the negotiations from initial contact to closing. Frequently, we proactively develop alternative negotiation scenarios and evaluate their impact on the total result. In many cases, a careful preparation plays the decisive role in realizing potentials in the negotiations which would not be possible otherwise.


We closely coordinate the timing and the individual elements of the negotiation process with our clients. The particular interests of each negotiation partner are specifically addressed in our negotiation approach. During the entire negotiation, our clients have access to many years of experience of our managing partners from transaction advisory work as well as from investing own funds as entrepreneurs.